
You CAN be change!!!


Everything is about 'perspective.'


You look at the world, and see all the bad things that are happening.

  • You feel you wish to change people's attitudes so they will not do these things.
  • You feel you need to change the world
  • You want to change things BIG
  • You've been trying...
  • But when that fails or does not progress in the way you expect,
  • You're feeling guilty because the problems are still occurring...
  • You feel people are living such awful lives when you are not.
  • So you feel guilty.
  • Because they are unhappy, but you are not. 

  • However, YOU are not the one causing the negativity.
  • YOU are not the one harming others.
  • You are NOT responsible!!!

But you feel powerless and still want change.

So what do you do?

You don't have to ignore it. You can accept what is occurring without holding on to the guilt as it isn't your fault. That guilt, will be grinding you down and making you ill. However, that is not to say you should ignore what's happening. But, start thinking and not putting guilt, which isn't yours, on yourself. When you've done that, THEN you can start to consider the problem in a more positive way :-)


Now just stop for a second.

Breathe deeply...


And let's look at things from a different perspective.


Let's think things through.

Let's try a different strategy.

Rather than trying to change things quickly and then feeling guilty when it's not working, try and change things longer term.


Let me explain.


People who do negative things are usually unhappy and living through fear rather than love.

It's not your job to change every single person as it would be an impossible task. Every individual is different and at a different level of development. Some will take notice, some will not. But you can't change that.

However, that is not to say you are powerless. You have to stop thinking negatively because you can't achieve these huge tasks.
  • Accept your limitations.
  • Build on the things you do have.
If you try to overstretch yourself, you just put on more pressure.

Think, what can I 'realistically' do to change things?

You can try and put people on the path to learning to love themselves, not in a vain way. I've learnt that happy people, truly happy people who are happy with themselves and love themselves, will also love others and want to see them happy as well.
  • Do 'you' feel HAPPY in yourself?
  • Do you LOVE yourself? (not in a vain way).
  • Do you look AFTER yourself?
If you're uncertain about any of these, then here's where you need to start. For you cannot begin to help others until you've learnt how to help yourself. THEN you can move onto others and help them.

But, if they appear not to listen, don't worry. You've probably triggered SOMETHING in them that they will remember when the time is right. That is a good thing. Be happy with yourself when you do a small good thing for you've had a positive effect on someone

My own strategy, if you can call it that, is to put a smile on people's faces. If that's all I can do then so be it. But I've had a positive effect on them and maybe they will do the same for someone else.

Pebble in the Water Effect

You drop a small pebble in the water. And although that pebble seems to do nothing but float to the bottom, in fact it has done much.
  • It has created disturbance and ripples in the water.It has had an effect on its new environment.
  • It has churned up everything where it drops through.
But those ripples will go onto affect something else. May only be small. May have moved a twig or something. And maybe that twig will now float downstream to new growth. Or maybe a bird will take note of it to use it as a last twig to complete its nest.

It's all about PERSPECTIVE.

You don't need to be a massive meteor that completely changes everything. You only have to be that small pebble, because that small pebble has created waves that has affected others.

So in life, you may 'feel' you've only affected one or two people, but in fact you have affected many. For those people will go on to affect others You've started a chain reaction that is never ending.


  • You've made change for the better
  • Be happy and smile!

And you can be that pebble many times over, so imagine how much effect you would have

Know your limits, but also know even small things can have big impact. It may take time, but it's still positive change :-)

Most importantly:

You ARE change!!!

Peace & Happiness x


Connecting with Nature - Part 1

Tree Communication - The Love that is a Tree


This is not just about tree communication but also my own experiences with nature which I wish to share...


I feel very close to the natural world and my experience with trees came after reading a spiritual book about tree connection.  For me, a tree, like everything else, is life as; and individual.  No two trees are alike and not every tree will be the right connection.

It was during the summer of 2011 that I got my first experience with trees.  It continued in 2012 more strongly and now feels so natural.

For one to connect with a tree, you can’t just stand there and talk at it or have a day to day conversation with it. 

Standing in close proximity to one may help but actually touching the tree will be better.  Usually you will spot one that appears to stand out amongst the others; or more likely it is getting your attention.

If you see a tree you feel more draw to than others, go to that tree and do whatever feels natural.  But don’t just rush towards the tree.  Would you like it if someone simply rushed towards you?  Take your time.  Enjoy every moment.  Be aware of your surroundings.  For example: listen to the swaying branches, the light breeze, the birds singing and feel them not as background noises but let them flow through you; let them become part of you.  Feel the ground underfoot, the odd twig snapping, the crunching leaves and listen to the sounds.  ‘Feel’ those leaves underfoot.  Let their sound pierce your every being.

When you reach the tree, what happens next is up to you.  Stand with it, look at it, explore it, and touch it.  I personally would touch the tree and feel the bark. If it looks mossy or something else, don't be afraid; it's not there to lure you to hurt you.  Touch it and see what happens :-)

Sometimes just touching and standing with the tree will be enough for beginners, but you can go further and actually hold or embrace the tree like you would as a dear friend; for that is what it is; a dear loving friend who wants only to connect and share with you.

If you wish to hold the tree like a loving friend, do so.  Hugging a tree can be very loving and heart-warming.  You're getting quite a connection there and from my own personal experiences, some trees are really warm and you really 'feel' the life that is the tree.

I can’t say that everyone will feel the same sensations, but I sort of get a rush of energy; a connection and a feeling of being one with the tree.  It's a beautiful feeling and I can happily just stay there with the tree.

The tree will look after you so no need to feel intimidated by others passing by.  However, don’t rush it if you don’t feel comfortable.  It may not be familiar at first but will come in time.  If you feel you just want to stand by it then do so and try placing your hand on it.  Don’t lean on it!  You’re connecting with it as you would a loving friend.  Would you ‘lean’ on a loving friend?

But go out there, try it, and see what happens.  There are many beautiful things worth experiencing in the natural world.  So go forth, and experience them :-)

Peace & Happiness x